Friday, April 6, 2007

April 6

Ok, I'm catching up now. This is day 5 of treatment #3. I don't feel too terribly bad, except tired and the neuropathy seems worse this time. I worked a few hours this week, which is something I haven't been able to do so far during week one of treatment. Thankfully I can work some from home doing web updates and such.

The CEA level was checked this week (kind of a marker). It was up a little bit, but doc said not to be concerned as this happens in about 1/3 of patients during the first few treatments, as the dead cancer cells get released into the bloodstream. It will be checked again in another 4 weeks. Hopefully by then we'll see a decline.

I should be doing better next week in terms of energy. I have 3 more treatments to go then we'll do the scan. From there, we'll have to see what's up.

I hope you have a great Easter weekend and celebration.


rosepua said...

So glad to see an update; I've been wondering how you have been feeling... Great to see Doug & you this week, and on the precious dvd. Thank you! praying, praying, signed, "Slave-driver" ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for filling us in, Jane. I hope your week goes well.

Karen B.

Herbert Berman said...

Dear Jane:
I look at your blog site about twice a week, and I pray that there is good news. I am still giving your name in for healing at my Sabbath services. These prayers do work. Take care, and know that you are thought of and loved at this time in your life.
Regina Berman