All things must pass, as it is said. As I read back through the past 17 months of Jane's blog, I have been reminded of the bravery, hope, faith, and optimism that Jane lived each and every day. She never faltered, never wavered, during her battle with that terrible disease.
I am in the process of compiling posts from both Jane's and my blog, and will eventually publish a book using My Publisher, and will make it available to those who would like to have a reminder of our journey together. I have created a photo book of slides from Jane's memorial service that you can see online, and if you're interested, even purchase a copy for yourselves.
In the meantime, Doug's Blog is still active, and will remain so as long as I have motivation to continue writing. I invite you to join in on my solo flight into uncharted territory as I begin to learn how to live life without my best friend.
We are planning to have a burial service at the Oaklawn Cemetery in Corvallis on Friday, June 27th at 1:00pm. Anyone who is interested in participating may join us at that time. Please be sure to check Doug's Blog, just in case something changes between now and then.
Thank you, everyone, for your faithful participation in reading, and commenting on this blog.
And as I close for Jane, I believe she would say not, "Goodbye" but rather, "See you later."

See you later,Jane.
Karen B.
In Hawaiian, Ahui ho! means, "Until next time." Love, MA
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