Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Latest update feb 28

Well, my husband finally talked me into writing on this blog! So, here goes.

I don't know who knows what but I'll try to fill in some blanks. This one will be longer than most, so bear with me!

Last September I was being treated for diverticilitis. After 5 months of back and forth with doctors, scans, and declining health, the docs kept saying that I had a very inflammed area in my colon from the diverticulitis (I was on antibiotics for 5 months!) this wasn't kicking it and I wasn't able to eat much. Got very uncomfortable.

We spent Christmas in California and during that time I started feeling really bad. So, finally, I decided it was time for surgery (duh) What can I say? I'd been feeling bad for so long that I kind of got used to it and was ignoring the pain.

Surgery on Jan. 29th started as a routine resection (they took out about 6 inches of colon and sewed the two ends back together, cool, huh?). This was supposed to fix things and then I'd be a happy camper. Well, to everyone's surprise they found a tumor growing on the outside of the colon (they typically grow inside). This is why they hadn't seen it clearly on the scans. Unfortunately it had spread to the surrounding lymph nodes and tissue. So, they call this stage 4 metatastic colon cancer.

The surgeon said he got about 95% of it but there is tissue wrapped around my sacrum that he couldn't get to. The liver and stomach looked ok.

I had the port-a-cath put in last Friday (inserted just below collar bone under the skin to administer chemo without having to poke me everytime). Really comfortable, NOT! During that surgery, the doc accidentially nicked my lung, so I spent last weekend in the hospital on oxygen. The doc let me come home Monday and the lung issue should completely resolve once the hole heals up. Another nice little 'bump' in the road.

So, the plan is to begin chemotherapy next Monday (5th). I will do 4 cycles of chemo (every other week for 8 weeks) then we're more than likely looking at another surgery to get the rest of it out. This will take place in Seattle at Washington University hospital. They will try a relatively new method where they pack the surgical area with heated chemotherapy while I'm on the table. I can write more about that once we get more details.

How am I physically? Getting stronger each day (just in time for chemo, but it's supposed to not be too bad.)

Mentally? Well, lots going on in my head, but I am trying to stay focused on each day, not look too far ahead, stay hopeful and realistic at the same time. More on that later.

My faith? God is a God of 100%! He's done it for me before (I could tell you lots of stories), I know He can do it again if it be His will. I battled cancer 30 years ago and He showed up powerfully then, He's maintained my health all this time. He gives me each breath and sustains me by His mercy.

The family? Doing pretty well. We're keeping the lines of communication open, letting the tears come when they need to, trying to maintain as much of a 'normal' life as possible. Doug is my absolute rock! And as an added bonus, I have my own personal CNA in him!

I've got awesome doctors (the gastroenterologist calls every once in a while to see how I'm doing) she even called me from Hungary while she was on vacation! She's like a guardian angel! So, I feel I'm in good earthly hands too!

PRAYER REQUEST FOR THIS WEEK: I will have a PET and MRI scan this Friday. This will tell us if there is cancer anywhere else. This test is monumental for me. If the cancer has stayed localized, then things look pretty good.

I'll go for now. Will let you know about the scans and how chemo is going. Write back if you like. Thanks to all for the overwhelming love, kindnesses, and support we've received! It's truly humbling.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome to hear where God is with you, Jane. I'm up for a walk and ride anytime. Praying fervently... MA